Suzy & Noah - civil wedding in Atlanta

First post in english, because i want to shoot more as a wedding photographer outside of Germany.
In March last year I had the opportunity shooting a wedding in Atlanta.


The ending of my holiday in Mexico last year was ending with a wedding in Atlanta.
Suzy & Noah booked us for their BIG wedding in Italy in September - but it worked out, that we flown to Atlanta because it was only a 2,5h flight far away from Mexico.
We're lucky humans.


Sinja Hemke were by my side - so we captured both this wedding.
And it was quite difficult to german civil weddings. ;)
To be honest: we're confused with many things.
At first: everyone could hold the ceremony everywhere - so the ceremony was at the house of the brides mother and a good friend held it.
Second: Americans doesn't congratulate the most time - that was the most confusing thing.


In spite of everything it was a pleasure of being a wedding photographer in Atlanta Georgia and in addition in Italy a few month later.
Thank u Suzy & Noah for this chance and the warm welcome.